Summer Flash Fiction Series – Prompt #1

Midwestern Gothic Flash Fiction Series
During the summer of 2015, we’re launching something brand new: our flash fiction series!

What is it? Our flash fiction series invites writers to write short pieces in response to photos we post.

How does it work? We’ll supply an image from our photography archive every 3 weeks, and invite writers to respond with flash fiction inspired by the photo, up to 500 words. Each image will be open for submissions for 2 weeks, and we will take a week for reading and balloting—the top 3 entries we feel best represent the photo in question will be published on the Midwestern Gothic website.

How long is the series? We will be doing this throughout the summer with three submission periods (3 photos). The winning entries of each round will be published immediately after the round ends.

You can find all guidlines here, including how to submit (and where!).

We are so excited for this celebration of the visual and literary, a new way for us to experience the landscape, and we can’t wait to read what you submit!

Prompt #1: Take a look at the following photo, and create a piece of flash fiction inspired by it.

Prompt #1 due date: Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Prompt #1 winners published: July 8 – 10



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